Read the providing materials carefully, and then do tasks. 2.1: Use Case Diagram Develop a detailed use case model for the application “X单词”. The model should take auser’s(rather than system’s) perspective.Define use cases for handling user’s input and actions, butdonot be specific about system’s computationsor web page creation activities. Show dependencies between use cases. Specify «include»and «extend»relationshipsand anyimportant constraints.
2.2: UML Activity Diagram. Develop a UML activity model for the use case“背单词”of the application. The model visualizesthe interactions between a user and the application to fill a user’s goals. Pay attention on useractions,do notapply swim lane activity diagram.
2.3: UML State Diagram. Develop a UML state model for the control process of the use case“背单词”. The modelvisualizes the relationship between external events and business scenes.
2.4: Domain Model.
Develop a domain model of the application(注意:仅须要从设置学习内容,背单词用例中获取领域对象). The model should take business perspectives.The conceptual model should showattributes in classes and relationships between classes. All associations should have multiplicitiescarefully defined. There is no need to specify attribute types and operations (methods).
2.5 System Sequence Diagram & Post-condition According to the main scenario of the use case“背单词”, Develop a SSD model to identify somesystem operations for the system. And then give the post-condition of the operation“startLearning()”(即開始学习操作)
2.6 Package Diagram For OO architecture design, we always use MVC pattern to build layer architecture. Develop apackage diagram illustrates these layers. Please show the dependencies between packages, andthen put software classes of the main scenario of the use case“背单词”into these packages.
2.7 UML Sequence Diagram According to BCE pattern, develop a interaction model with sequence diagram for the mainscenario of the use case“背单词”.
2.8 UML Design Class Diagram (DCD) Develop a DCD including C&E elements onlyaccording to results of 2.7 and 2.4
附加题(10 marks)
2.9 UML Deployment Diagram The architect(架构师) studied the use case“打卡”, he want a DB server to hold user profiles(用户注冊信息)and achievements(成就), a Web server to provide some services for clients, Mobilephones with android operation system as client hold MVC component and Proxy servicescomponent. A client communicates with the web server using HTTP and JSON protocol. Develop a deployment model to illustrate the architect’s design. Stereotype must be used toclassify physical nodes.
3)需求时期最须要 领域模型(数据库的设计须要他)
5)类图中须要注意的3个差别:a)泛化&继承 b)操作和方法 c)组合和聚合
7)在非软件设计方式中,泛化 !=继承